Honda pays it forward....If you live in Southern California, keep your eyes open for a blue tanker truck from now until December 31. SoCal Honda is sending their “Honda Helpful” teams to give out free gas to lucky Honda owners. The team is reportedly spread out across Southern California communities to perform good deeds including handing out umbrellas when it’s raining, handing out reusable grocery bags and feeding the homeless.
“The majority are Honda drivers, but some non-Honda drivers may also get lucky!” someone at Honda told KickingTires.
So if you own a Honda and live in Los Angeles, Riverside, Orange Count, San Fernando Valley, Pasadena or Ventura Count, keep a lookout for a big blue truck that reads “Hey Honda owners, enjoy free gas and envious stares.”
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Honda Helpful giving out free gas to SoCal Honda owners

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