
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Honda offers free parking at three malls to mark Father's Day

Here's a fun gimmick today related to Father's Day tomorrow.

Honda is putting teams of blue-uniformed valet parkers at three Southern California shopping malls today to try to create goodwill with potential car buyers. They say they will park any car -- not just Hondas.

Honda is providing free valet parking to all shoppers looking for last-minute Father's Day gifts at The Westfield Shopping Centers in Century City, Santa Anita, and Topanga.

Shoppers will also receive complimentary chapstick and window decals. Can't make it to the mall on Saturday? No worries, you can try to figure out where the crew will show up again on Facebook and Twitter.

In the past, the "guys in blue" pumped complimentary gas and offering umbrella escorts on rainy days.

The idea was created to combat a negative opinion of car dealers.

--Olivia Ouyang/Drive On



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