I just about fell out of my chair laughing at this one! Oh those crazy 70's.... (I might just have to find a copy of this game, it sounds too funny to pass up!)During my Malaise Era childhood, my sisters and I would often set up the card table for an acrimonious, hatred-filled session of the classic 1971 Parker Brothers used-car-selling board game Dealer's Choice.
I hadn't thought about this fine game- a staple in the Martin family during the mid-1970s- for years, until I spotted one at a yard sale not long ago. The goal is to lie your @$$ off about the value of the clunkers on your lot, while avoiding getting caught in those lies. Definitely worth a buck to the yard-sale seller! While this game didn't get as much play as Touring (some of you may know it better as Mille Bornes), it still made the heavy rotation in our game schedule. You might need to watch Marshal Lucky to get in the right mood for what's to follow…
Source (with more pic's and info!);
Monday, July 27, 2009
1970's Dealers Choice, the board Game!

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