That's right ASIMO, pick up the lightsabre, now see Toyota's headquarters? Here's what I want you to do.....While it may seem that technology takes two steps back before it takes a half step forward (see: talking and singing wall fish,) there is hope for us yet. That is, there is hope that we will soon have our own robots that we can control with our minds!
Don’t get too excited. While a future filled with robot slaves doing our laundry while we sit around and get lazier and more inactive is a possibility, the company behind this technology is looking at more practical operations like opening a car trunk or turning on the air conditioning.
That’s right folks, our favorite Honda Motor Company designed robot Asimo is back and he’s ready to do our bidding. As long as you have one of those fancy helmets that are programmed to read patterns of electric currents in your head and changes in cerebral blood flow. The helmet and Asimo are prepared to handle some of the more basic functions of life; moving the right hand, moving the left hand, running and eating. Currently, the technology is just at the beginning stages. It takes several hours to essentially program a users brain activity to the robot and helmet, so it knows what it’s looking for. This is due to everyone being different and thinking different.
The company did admit that they are at the “dream” stage of the project, but were hopeful that someday cars would drive themselves - controlled by the power of the brain. I think it’s a pretty safe guess that the first brain controlled vehicle will be produced by Honda.
Now if they only made one of these helmets we could use to control our kids…
via: China Daily News
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Honda’s Asimo Controlled by the Human Brain

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